Josh Gerard




Roots closed out the year with a powerful retreat in Des Moines through the Open Bible Conference. The theme this year was ELEVATE: Take your faith to new heights. The goal was for students to be encouraged to take that next step UP in their faith walk. Our Breakaway Speaker, Jeff Grenell, gave our students practical advice to help them ELEVATE their faith, and confidently continue UPWARD in their daily walk with Jesus.

We sent ten Roots kids from our youth group and three leaders to Breakaway, and the church heard testimonies the Sunday after. It was an incredible time of God speaking and moving among all who were there.

Open Bible Central shared,

Over these past few days, 315 students and 95 adult leaders gathered together in Des Moines, IA for our winter youth conference: Breakaway!

A special thank you to the worship band from First Church of the Open Bible in Clear Lake, IA for being with us, and providing an incredible atmosphere of worship for everyone who attended. Another special thank you to Jeff Grenell, our event speaker, for bringing a powerful set of messages, and teaching us practical steps that we can take to deepen our faith, and grow closer in relationship with Jesus Christ!

A special thank you to Sydnie Sanford for filming, editing, and making this video!

Our Roots Youth Group is for those who are going into 6th grade – 12th grade. We have a fantastic ministry for this age based on Biblical teaching with lots of fun thrown in. We are very blessed with a great group of kids, and there is always room for more!

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In the Beginning

On January 12, we’re kicking off a new sermon series focusing on the first 12 chapters of Genesis. These chapters are packed full of important stories that are foundational to our faith. We’ll be taking a deep dive into the scriptures, studying chapter by chapter and verse by verse, with a focus on answering questions and gleaning the most significance for our lives.

“I love these first 12 chapters. I love that God’s story for us has such an incredible beginning, and how it answers so many questions we’re still asking today. That’s why we’re going to examine it closely, and read it for understanding. Our goal is to help each of us grow closer to the heart of God by seeing His heart for His creation.”
—Pastor Josh Gerard

Many of us are familiar with the famous opening of Genesis: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. We’ll start there, uncovering God’s will for His creation and how even when humanity faltered again and again, God remained faithful. From Adam and Eve to Noah, we’ll follow the journey of humankind as their Creator blessed them even in the midst of a curse, the consequence of their deviation from Him.

We hope you join us!

Watch the Promo

More About New Beginnings

Our church in Brooklyn, Iowa, exists to draw people to Jesus. We bring those looking for more meaning to Him through the Word, worship, fellowship, and encouragement. With a goal of turning hearts toward Christ and growing us all to follow Him more closely, we continue to reach out to the people of Brooklyn, Grinnell, and surrounding areas. All are welcome. Learn more about us here.

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Many Things: A Play by Josh Gerard

Our pastor, Josh Gerard, is also a playwright who has made several of his plays come to life at the Brooklyn Opera House. This Christmas is no different, as he brings his comedy called Many Things to our community.

The concept of the play is from the story of sisters Mary and Martha in the Bible, with the title coming from this verse:

"Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one..."
Luke 10:42-42

It’s the perfect play to get you in the holiday spirit with plenty of Christmas music, decor, and, ermmm, some less-than-expected seasonal moments. With a refreshing reminder on what this season is really about, this play has something for all ages. Bring your family, your small group, your bestie, or your coworkers.

Tickets can be bought at a discount online now, and we highly encourage you to reserve your seats while you can! Please visit the Brooklyn Opera House to grab yours.


December 6th at 7pm

December 7th at 7pm

December 8th at 2pm

December 14th at 7pm

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Did You Hear Pastor Josh on KSKB?

Last week, our pastor had a chance to speak on KSKB Brooklyn about our church and help the radio station out with their share-a-thon at the same time. For anyone searching for New Beginnings Church or Pastor Josh on KSKB, we wanted to have a page for you to land on. So, welcome! Glad you found us!

This is a great place to begin to learn more about our church.

Find sermons here.

And general info for newcomers here.

You may have heard Josh talk about our Sunday services that begin with testimonies. He said, “We don’t have a traditional service. We actually start with times of testimony of what God is doing in each other’s lives. I believe God is constantly making himself known to his children. He’s constantly reminding us of his goodness and his mercies, and we spend a good 10-20 minutes just doing that.”

He also mentioned our prayer time before the service, which all are welcome to come to, half an hour before the service starts. We meet in the church kitchen (look for the door with the sign about prayer), and we want you to know you can pop in that room and join in any time.

Check out our events page for details.

No, we are not in the Big Apple, we’re in the sweet and small rural town of Brooklyn, Iowa. We hope to see you soon!

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Pastor Josh’s message last Sunday included a short discussion on missionaries. Please click the link if you’re looking for the right place to support an Open Bible missionary. There, you can read about many missionaries, where they are serving, and a short summary of what they are doing and how the Lord has used them. There’s an easy spot to donate directly to the missionaries of your choice. Please consider supporting those who are called away from their homes to spread the Gospel!

Note: You can find the sermon from Sunday on the last half of Acts 13 here.

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