Open Bible Church holds a conference for teens in Des Moines each winter, and we hope to send a group every year. We took nine teens on this 3-day retreat, and as you can see from the comments below, it was an amazing time.
“I’m so grateful to Open Bible Central Region for putting this event together every year for us! I’m so grateful to God for how He speaks and transforms lives when we gather in one accord and seek Him!”
-Tracey Gerard
“Oh my goodness. Breakaway (it isn’t Winter Retreat, no one can convince me) was so, so amazing. So many people touched by God and so many good times together. I love this group and am so, so proud to be able to watch them grow in God. We are small but we are strong, and I could not be more proud to be walking with God with anyone else. Thank God for this experience, for the people I met and for the people I got to know better. Thank God for meeting us there. Can’t wait for camp!”
-Lorelai Gerard
“So beyond blessed for having the opportunity to encounter God with you  I’m gonna miss these retreats so much but I thank God for giving us such a mighty little youth familyÂ
you guys will have a special place in my heart forever.”
-Karissa Heishman
Our Roots youth group was richly blessed by spending time in worship, hearing biblical teachings, and growing in friendship. Each person had a powerful testimony of what God spoke to them during this conference.
Join Roots youth group every Wednesday night if you’re interested in this ministry. We’re excited to see what God does with this amazing group of teens in the new year!