What is Your Mind Set On?

Posted on November 5, 2023

Home What is Your Mind Set On?

sermon date 2023-11-05
sermon manager Tracey Gerard
Sermon Location Brooklyn, Iowa

What is Your Mind Set On?

-Message by Tracey Gerard

“Our society is a flesh-led society. This is not a society of people who submit to God. This is how everyone is, before we’re saved, this is how we all were. However, when we were saved God quite literally fulfilled the prophecy that He made in Ezekiel that says He put a new heart and a new spirit in us. He will remove our hearts of stone and give us a heart of flesh. God gave us a new mind, however, we still have the same brain. We still have some of those same tendencies.”

-Scripture References: Romans 8:1, 1 Peter 5:8-9, 2 Cor. 10:5, Phil. 4:4-8, Col. 3:2, Is. 43:18, Matthew 6:25-34

-Message by Tracey Gerard “Our society is a flesh-led society. This is not a society of people who submit to God. This is how everyone is, before we’re saved, this is how we all were. However, when we were saved God quite literally fulfilled the prophecy that He made in […]


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