Colossians 2-3: Spiritually Minded

Posted on November 5, 2023

Home Colossians 2-3: Spiritually Minded

sermon date 2023-10-29
sermon manager Josh Gerard
Sermon Location Brooklyn, Iowa

Colossians 2-3: Spiritually Minded

“Christ now stands in the place of those ceremonial things. As verse 17 says, they are a shadow of things to come, the reality, however, is found in Christ…Paul says right here in this passage that keeping Kosher, celebrating the Sabbath, is all fine if you want to do it, but none of it will save you. Only Jesus saves.”

“Christ now stands in the place of those ceremonial things. As verse 17 says, they are a shadow of things to come, the reality, however, is found in Christ…Paul says right here in this passage that keeping Kosher, celebrating the Sabbath, is all fine if you want to do it, […]


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