“All of it here is a shadow of what’s to come. Think of the best day you’ve ever had on this earth…all of them were but a shadow of what’s to come. The goodness of stepping into the presence of God and there being zero need for any space, it […]
Hebrews 8-10: The Perfect Sacrifice
“All of it here is a shadow of what’s to come. Think of the best day you’ve ever had on this earth…all of them were but a shadow of what’s to come. The goodness of stepping into the presence of God and there being zero need for any space, it will be that direct approach, face to face. As Paul says, ‘now I know in part, then I will know fully even as I am fully known.'”
-Scripture References: Hebrews 8, 9, 10 (first half), 1 Cor. 13:12, Galatians 5, Psalm 119:10-16, Isaiah 7:6-7