“Have you ever had a problem with shrinking back in your faith, with struggling to believe things like I’m really forgiven, or that God is good, or that I can stand on his promises? If you have, then you’re human. Remember that the disciples freaked out with Jesus in the […]
Hebrews 10-11: Unswerving Faith
“Have you ever had a problem with shrinking back in your faith, with struggling to believe things like I’m really forgiven, or that God is good, or that I can stand on his promises? If you have, then you’re human. Remember that the disciples freaked out with Jesus in the boat with them during the storm. However, as the body gathers, we challenge each other to increase our faith so we can become like those whose faith saved them.”
-Scripture References: Hebrews 10-11, Romans 7:14-25, Isa. 40:31, Phil. 2:10-11