“You’re going to have to endure trials, suffering, the storm. So often when we’re in the middle of it, that’s the time when we need our faith to be the most active. That’s when your flesh is going to be at its loudest and scream, ‘give up, blame God, blame […]
Acts 28: Malta
“You’re going to have to endure trials, suffering, the storm. So often when we’re in the middle of it, that’s the time when we need our faith to be the most active. That’s when your flesh is going to be at its loudest and scream, ‘give up, blame God, blame your circumstances, blame people around you.’ Instead of saying, ‘God, I do not know what you have in store, but whatever it is, it’s good, it’s for your glory, it’s for the kingdom.’ “
-Scripture References: Isaiah 6:8-11, Acts 28