“I believe that we’re called to be prepared, ready, and in the word. Because Paul has been studied up, when he’s in front of the Sanhedrin, he is not intimidated by them, he is letting the Holy Spirit flow through him. He doesn’t have to have all the answers because […]
Acts 23: Tharsei
“I believe that we’re called to be prepared, ready, and in the word. Because Paul has been studied up, when he’s in front of the Sanhedrin, he is not intimidated by them, he is letting the Holy Spirit flow through him. He doesn’t have to have all the answers because God has said, ‘You’re here, you’re doing what I’ve called you to do, don’t worry.’ Paul isn’t worried, and you can tell by how he starts in Acts 23.”
-Scripture References: Acts 23, Eph. 2:8, Isa. 6:9, Matt. 9:2, 9:22, 14:27