“I challenge you, church, to be a faithful witness in every area of your life: in your home, at your job, at your school. You might already be saying, ‘but Josh, they don’t let me talk about Jesus there.’ Oh, I’m sorry, are you in the place where Satan lives? […]
Pergamum: The Church of Compromise
“I challenge you, church, to be a faithful witness in every area of your life: in your home, at your job, at your school. You might already be saying, ‘but Josh, they don’t let me talk about Jesus there.’ Oh, I’m sorry, are you in the place where Satan lives? Because that’s the perfect place to never shut up about Jesus.”
-Scripture references: Revelation 2:12-17, James 4:7, Num. 31:16, Num. 25, Ps. 84:10-12, Acts 15:28-29, Num. 22:31, Ps. 119:9-11