“…And we’re like, yeah, I get pure joy is seen through things like presents and gifts on Christmas. And when someone blesses you, oh that’s pure joy! And James 1 says consider this, consider this is pure joy, my brothers and sisters–whenever you face trials of many kinds.”-Scripture references: Revelation […]

Smyrna: The Church of Suffering
“…And we’re like, yeah, I get pure joy is seen through things like presents and gifts on Christmas. And when someone blesses you, oh that’s pure joy! And James 1 says consider this, consider this is pure joy, my brothers and sisters–whenever you face trials of many kinds.”
-Scripture references: Revelation 2:8-11, Mt. 6:19, Is. 53:3-5, James 1:2-4, 2 Cor. 4:5-18
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