Acts 18: Corinth

Posted on July 30, 2023

Home Acts 18: Corinth

sermon date 2023-07-30
sermon manager Josh Gerard
Sermon Location Brooklyn, Iowa

Acts 18: Corinth

“The title Paul gives himself, the identity he has, is first and foremost a servant of Christ Jesus. In his greeting to the Romans…he says his name and then immediately pivots to Christ, to the promise, to the covenant, the Holy Spirit and the risen Savior, Jesus. Tentmaking is what puts food on the table, but it is way down the list on how Paul defines himself. Is that how it is for us?”

“The title Paul gives himself, the identity he has, is first and foremost a servant of Christ Jesus. In his greeting to the Romans…he says his name and then immediately pivots to Christ, to the promise, to the covenant, the Holy Spirit and the risen Savior, Jesus. Tentmaking is what […]


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