Mission Venture Plan

Posted on March 1, 2023 by Josh Gerard -

Home Causes Mission Venture Plan

Help Them See

When you give to our church, in addition to supporting our work, a portion of your offering or tithe goes to Mission Venture Plan, a ministry through Open Bible Churches.

The goal of Mission Venture Plan is to introduce our world to Jesus, no matter a person’s culture, race, gender, location, background, or current beliefs. We want to help them, whoever “they” are, meet Jesus.

The complexity of these times can cause us to view everything as inordinately complex, including sharing our faith. So many questions can be raised that are too difficult to answer, such as “Why would God allow…?” Or “I believe there are several ways to God. Why do you think yours is the only way?”

Help Them See

This is where the simplicity of John 12:20-21 comes in.

Some Greeks who had come to Jerusalem for the Passover celebration paid a visit to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee. They said, “Sir, we want to meet Jesus.”

Rather than our politics and opinions, our world desperately needs to see Jesus. He’s the one who brings hope to the hopeless, releases those held captive by sin, opens the eyes of the blind, and sets at liberty those who are being oppressed (Luke 4:18). He is the light during these dark times.


Brooklyn, Iowa
Brooklyn Ministerial Fund

The Brooklyn Ministerial Fund is a city-wide, interdenominational effort to meet the needs of our community here in central Iowa....

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