Revelation 1: Glory Revealed

Posted on October 13, 2024

Home Revelation 1: Glory Revealed

sermon date 2024-10-13
sermon manager Josh Gerard
Sermon Location Brooklyn, Iowa

Revelation 1: Glory Revealed

“He has called us to be priests, to serve His God and Father. That is what a priest does, guys: a priest was a vocation created by God to be in the service of God for the people, so the people could know God. We’re all called to know God now, inasmuch as we can, to seek Him with all of our hearts, and we are called to make Him known.”
-Scripture references: Revelation chapter 1, Daniel 7:13-14, Romans 1:7, Zechariah 12:10, Exodus 39:2, Isaiah 1:18, Hebrews 4:12-13
-word study: Rhomphaia

“He has called us to be priests, to serve His God and Father. That is what a priest does, guys: a priest was a vocation created by God to be in the service of God for the people, so the people could know God. We’re all called to know God […]


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